
Feedback and complaints

To report an accident, dangerous occurrence, environmental or structural (well) integrity incident call

1300 674 472. For more information see our report an incident page.

We value your feedback. You can submit a complaint, raise a concern, provide information, give a compliment or make a suggestion to help us improve. 

Before you provide us with your feedback

Before you provide us with your feedback or make a complaint it is important for you to know that there are some matters that we can not consider. 

We can consider:

  • any matter relating the discharge of NOPSEMA’s regulatory functions
  • administrative decisions made by NOPSEMA 
  • the conduct of a NOPSEMA employee
  • performance of a duty holder at or near an offshore facility in relation to health, safety, well integrity, and environmental management.

We can not consider:

  • statements of fundamental objection to oil and gas activity
  • matters of industrial relations, such as pay and other workplace entitlements
  • comments that contain personal threats or profanities
  • SPAM mail and petition

How to submit feedback and complaints

Please submit your feedback or complaint using our Feedback and complaints form at the bottom of this page. You may also submit feedback and complaints by emailing or writing a letter to NOPSEMA at GPO Box 2568 PERTH WA 6001. Please keep in mind, if you provide feedback or complaints to us by post, it may take us longer to respond.

What we need from you

Please be clear, factual, and tell us the outcome you would like. Providing your name and contact details will allow us to get in touch with you and help resolve the issue. If you provide feedback anonymously, we may not be able to adequately deal with your issue.

What happens when you make a complaint

NOPSEMA takes complaints seriously and has a formal process for handling them as quickly as possible. When we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge we’ve received your submission within 3 business days, keep you informed of progress, and respond to you within 2 weeks, where possible. Our Regulatory Services Charter outlines our service standards and expectations to ensure our interaction with you emphasises timeliness, professionalism, and courtesy.

What if you're not happy with the outcome

If you are not satisfied with the standard of service, you have received from NOPSEMA, please discuss this with the person you dealt with or their manager in the first instance. If you are still not satisfied, then you may refer the matter to the Commonwealth Ombudsman through their website.

Privacy statement

The information you provide allows us to contact you to gather more information and provide you with updates. We handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy policy, the Privacy Act 1988 and its Australian Privacy Principles.

Feedback and complaints form

I would like a response

Raise a safety concern

In general, safety concerns should be promptly and constructively raised with your Health and Safety Representative (HSR), your supervisor, or the health and safety committee. However, if you are not satisfied with the response, you can escalate the matter to NOPSEMA. Please note that NOPSEMA's jurisdiction includes the health and safety of people while they are physically located at or near an offshore facility.

You can also raise concerns relating to sexual harassment and/or assault, or any other form of harassment, with NOPSEMA if you believe the relevant duty holder has not taken all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the facility is safe and without risk to the health of any person at or near the facility. Any form of assault or sexual assault should also be reported to the Police.

Concerns relating to industrial relations matters, such as pay and other workplace entitlements, should be referred to the relevant industrial relations body. Matters relating to onshore health and safety arrangements should be referred to the relevant state safety regulator.

Raise an environmental concern

If you have a concern about environmental management for an offshore activity, you should contact the duty holder directly. Key matters reports and duty holder contact details at Industry environment plans webpage. If you have a concern about a proposed exploratory drilling, seismic activity, or offshore project, you may submit your concerns to NOPSEMA during public comment periods. All submissions open to public comment are published on NOPSEMA’s Consultation Hub.

Please note that NOPSEMA will not provide specific comment on the contents of any environmental submission (environment plan or offshore project proposal) during an assessment as it may be seen to bias a fair and impartial assessment.

How to raise a safety or environmental concern

If you wish to raise a safety or environmental concern directly with NOPSEMA, please use our Feedback and complaints online form.

If you are unable to use the online form, please email

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