

Managing risks associated with covid-19

09 March, 2020

NOPSEMA is taking direct action to help protect and support the offshore workforce from risks associated with COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).

Given the confined nature of some offshore facilities, workers may spend time in close proximity to one another, which increases the risk of the spread of infectious diseases. Operators of offshore oil and gas facilities are required to have arrangements in place to protect worker health, including from infectious diseases.

NOPSEMA has instructed all operators of offshore oil and gas facilities to review their infectious disease management plans in relation to COVID-19, and to advise NOPSEMA of the practicable steps that they are taking to safeguard the health of their employees, contractors and visitors.

NOPSEMA has reiterated to operators their duties under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, which require operators to take all reasonably practicable steps to provide and maintain a physical environment for workers that is safe and without risk to health.

NOPSEMA has advised operators to remain vigilant, and to review latest information regarding COVID-19 provided by the Australian Department of Health and World Health Organisation.

NOPSEMA will be instigating inspections to ensure operators have in place effective preparedness and response plans.


  • occupational health & safety
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