

Health and Safety Representatives Forum - Positive Mental Health for Our Offshore Workers

25 November, 2021

Supporting HSRs with ongoing professional learning ensures they are able to perform their role effectively and to a high standard. In recognition of this, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority has joined with APPEA and the ACTU to offer a short online national HSR forum exploring challenges facing the offshore workforce around mental health. The forum will include a presentation from PeopleSense on mental health first aid and a discussion forum for HSRs to share experiences.

The forum runs for one hour on Wednesday 8 December (13:00 – 14:00 AEDT, 10:00 - 11:00 AWST) and is designed for experienced HSRs, recently appointed HSRs and anyone interested in the role of the HSR. If you are interested in attending, or would like to learn more, please register on Eventbrite

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